What I am

An advisor and mediator between research and information technologies (Research IT).

A top-notch IT System Administrator and Engineer with almost 15 years of experience.

A knowledge-hungry strategist with a can-do attitude.

A creative problem-solving thinker with keen technical insights.

A penguin aficionado, passionate cook, casual gamer and dad.

What I might be

An in-depth Data Analyst.

A climbing buddy.

What I am not

A junior.

An expert software engineer.

A statistical mastermind.

A Super Smash Bros. champion.

(Sorry if you're on mobile, it needs to be wider for readability)
import re

def show_picture(string):
    Determines what kind of picture will be presented
    to the user
    :param string: string from which origin the user
    comes from, e.g. HR or when I sent a job application
    :return: correct picture
    if re.search('human ressources|hr|job application|mom',
        #re.IGNORECASE for case INsensitivity
